Company Name:  
Contact Person: 
Your Title: 
Your Skpe or Wechat Account: 
To Apply for My booth:One_BoothTwo_BoothsThree_BoothsFour_Booths   (Note: Euro 1500 per booth and each booth includes 1 table, 2 chairs and the fascia name, plastic glasses, bread with public meeting tables)
To Apply for the Products Promotion Meeting:NO1_hour2_hours  (Note: Euro 1500 per hour and the guests will be invited)
To Apply for Olive Oil Tasting Meeting:NO1_hour2_hours  (Note: Euro 1600 per hour and the guests will be invited)
Other Related Events:Olive_Oil_Competition   Course_of_Olive_Oil_Tasters   Show_of_Oil_Processing_Technology   Training_Course_of_Oil_Processing_Technology   
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